There was much rejoicing in our house, for the Cheese Paper we ordered finally arrived!! And we had the time to take a look at it.
The cheese paper itself is double-layered -- and it is supposed to maintain a high humidity level at the surface of the cheese, while preventing water from accumulating. This should prevent the growth of surface molds.
For the first stage of our experimentation, we giddily wrapped up 1/2 lb of leftover monterey jack cheese in 1/2 sheet of the paper (yes, the paper can be cut into pieces -- which is very nice for wrapping smaller blocks). It's not exactly artisan cheese, but we'll see how it fares. We also read the instructions, which say: Take your stored cheese out of the fridge and inspect it regularly. Live a little and eat some every day! If you keep cheese for longer than one week, you must rewrap it with a new piece of cheese paper if the paper has become damp or soaked with oil.
We'll report back and tell you what we think.

©BURP! Where Food Happens
I'm very curious about this. I can't wait for your follow-up.