Friday, August 29, 2008

A New Way with Corn on the Cob

Ah, corn on the cob... and all the mixed feelings it stirs within my loins by the end of August!

Don't get me wrong. I think sweet summer corn is one of the best things around. And I'm a firm believer in getting as much of something as I possibly can while it's in season. But, I have to admit that I grow tired of eating corn the same old way, week after week, in the heat of summer.
So, we try to find ways to change it up a bit.
When the first corn on the cob is available, we grab three or four ears at a time and make it into a meal. We grill it. And when we tire of grilling it, we steam it. When steaming it grows old, we cut it off the cob and throw it into our pasta. And our rice. And our eggs. And when we tire of doing that... we bake it.

Yup. Baked corn.
Can't beat it.

First, you need some primo corn on the cob. Shuck it and make it all pretty.
Then, you need some nice fresh bread crumbs.
And a bit of mayonnaise spiked with some lime juice, a bit of salt, a couple of cloves of garlic, and a few finely chopped jalapenos (the only requisite here is the mayo... so experiment away!).
You want to slather some of that mayonnaise right on each of the cobs. Get it all over -- into the grooves and right up to the edges of the cob.
Then, roll the mayo-covered cobs into the breadcrumbs.
Bake these lovely specimens at 375ยบ for about 35-40 minutes, and you have yourself a tasty treat that will take the doldrums right out of corn season.

Trust me.

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©BURP! Where Food Happens


  1. You come up with the greatest ideas!!! I have never seen this before!! I have a friend who lives in Mexico and they use mayonaise on corn on the cob to eat it. This takes it up a notch! Great idea!!

  2. Holy crap this is the best thing I've ever seen! What a fabulous idea and i am so doing this, this weekend. Wow!

  3. Fun! I make a similar recipe only with cheddar cheese instead of the breadcrumbs. I will definitely try this.

  4. wow! That soounds so interesting. I have a house full of visitors and nine ears of corn...I think I might try this today!

  5. This is a great idea. I, too, get tired of eating corn, corn, corn the same way all the time. Have to keep the corn recipes coming. . .this is great!

  6. Brilliant! That's one fun idea :D


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