Sunday, September 7, 2008

B.A.T. Sammiches

We like standards around our house as much as anyone. But, sometimes it's fun to jazz them around a bit.

This particular sammich was inspired by the classic B.L.T. But, I think you'll agree that it takes things a few miles further.

After all, we couldn't resist starting with a bit of brown sugar bacon. (This is seriously one of my new favorite things... I can't resist the salty-sweet crunch on a nice piece of thick-cut bacon. You really must try it, if you haven't already.)
I'm a fan of throwing the bacon in the oven (I bake mine at 425º... you can do as you like) -- where it can crisp away for 15-20 minutes without a stitch of attention from me. In the case of brown sugar bacon, a bit of parchment goes a loooong way toward the clean-up.

Now aren't they pretty?
I'm also a huge fan of sammiches on "real" bread. So, even when we err on the white side of things, we always go for a nice artisan sourdough from our local Wild Flour bakery. Look at the chops on that loaf! I'm beginning to drool.
So, the bacon is out of the oven, and the bread is sliced... and we just happen to have a nice (though very UNlocal) avocado ripening on the counter. I'm thinking that would be lovely on here. So, I slice it up, along with one of the tomatoes from the garden. Throw some local pepper-jack cheese on there, as well as some locally grown sprouts... and toss the whole sammich on the panini press for a few moments.
I am telling you, this sammich is no joke.
The B.A.T. may not have quite as cool a name as the B.L.T., but it sure gives it a run for its money in the flavor department. The spicy cheese is a fanTAStic foil for the sweet bacon. The tomato brings some nice acidicy to the table. The sprouts provide a nice crunch. And the sexy avocado... well, he's just the icing on the cake. No mayo needed on this sammy. Nope, nope.
I think you get my drift.
This is the sort of sammich that needs no accompaniment. You just need a nice plate... and a little bit of time alone.

LOCAL QUOTIENT: We did pretty well here with local bread, cheese, tomatoes, and sprouts. All from within 15 miles of our house. I won't lie... the avocado is a stranger in this land. But, he was very delicious, so we let him join in anyhow. 90% local?

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©BURP! Where Food Happens


  1. Those brown-sugared bacon slices look gorgeous and the sammiches look equally tasty, yum!

  2. The brown sugar is genius! I've given you an award. Come by my blog to collect it. :)

  3. Oh my gosh does that ever look good! I didn't know you could make your own brown sugar bacon! I've seen it in the store but this looks so good and I can make it myself!! great idea!!

  4. I now must brown sugar my bacon! Thank you.

  5. Yum. Pig candy! (I've heard bacon cooked in brown sugar called that on occasion). I'm loving your BLT variation.

  6. i just drooled on my keyboard.nothing gets me going like melting cheese. mmmm.


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