
Lo -- Photo by Joe Laedke
We’re so glad you’ve joined us here at Burp! Now, let us introduce ourselves…

Lo is the writer and recipe developer. Peef is the muse and dedicated sous chef.

Together, we're just two devoted Milwaukeeans who share a passion for seasonal cooking, local eating, writing, and entertaining. We’re not fancy. Or fussy. But, there’s nothing we love more than getting creative in the kitchen and sharing our stories.

We started Burp! in 2007 as a way to keep track of all the recipes we were cooking up in the kitchen. In no time, our whim evolved into a full-time hobby.  Although we gain inspiration from any number of places, nearly all the recipes on this site are originals.  That said, it should also be noted that we are committed to giving credit where credit is due (should you have questions about any of our recipes, please shoot us an email!)

Peef -- Photo by Joe Laedtke
Our core beliefs revolve around the creation of real food that nourishes both the body and the soul. So, we focus on cooking with local, sustainably raised, and organic food whenever possible. We haunt farmer’s markets in the summer, store up local goods for the winter, and befriend local farmers, restaurateurs, and food artisans every chance we get.  We also believe in cooking real food. Whole food. Food that some might call "inconvenient".  We believe that every good thing takes effort.

Our cooking is in a constant state of evolution. We are always learning, discovering new flavor combinations, and experiencing new things. And we love a good challenge!  When we’re not in the kitchen, you’ll find us reading blogs, sharing ideas with other foodies, and finding any number of ways to keep our brains and techniques sharp.

In real life, Lo is the senior food writer and dining editor for OnMilwaukee.com, and Peef is currently figuring out how to make the world more fun. We spend our free time flipping through cookbooks, tending our urban garden, and making whimsical birthday cakes for our nieces and nephews.

Contact US!
We’d love to hear from you!  Feel free to send us your feedback, criticism, and suggestions for things you would like to see more of on Burp!  We are also available for collaborations & freelancing. More information here!

Email us at:  info@eatatburp.com
You can also follow Lo on Instagram/Threads @lofredrich or @LoFredrich on X.
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